- bispy.signals.bivariateAMFM(a, theta, chi, phi, Hembedding=True, complexOutput=False)[source]
Construct a bivariate AM-FM model with specified parameters.
The output x[n] is constructed as:
x[n] = a[n] * np.exp(i * theta[n]) * np.exp(-k * chi[n]) * np.exp(j * phi[n])
- Parameters:
- a, theta, chi, phiarray_type
These are instantaneous geometrical and phase parameters.
- Hembeddingbool, optional
If True, returns the H-embedding signal of x, otherwise returns x (1, i)-complex (as a quaternion array). Default is True.
- complexOutputbool, optional
If True, output is a complex numpy array. Otherwise output is a quaternion numpy array. Default is False.
- Returns:
- xarray_type
See also